Cleanlist Reports April 2024 Pre-Movers in Canada
In April, Cleanlist identified 71,104 pre-movers in Canada, including a notable increase in pre-movers YoY and a more subtle increase MoM.
Cleanlist Reports April 2024 Movers in Canada
It was an April mover frenzy! Cleanlist identified 53,051 new movers in Canada this April, a significant 51.5% increase compared to March.
Why Should I Clean My Database Regularly?
Think of contact data like a fresh banana—it’s perfect and intact when you first buy it, but over time, it can start to go downhill.
Cleanlist Reports March 2024 Movers in Canada
In March, Cleanlist identified 35,013 new movers in Canada, resulting in the lowest number of new movers in Canada over the past year.
Cleanlist Reports March 2024 Pre-Movers in Canada
In March, Cleanlist identified 67,886 pre-movers in Canada. We reported a significant increase in pre-movers from March 2023 to March 2024.
Who are the Direct Mail Winners?
Direct mail is a dinosaur in today’s high-tech digital marketing landscape. But some organizations continue to use it – and get a huge ROI for their efforts.
Should I be marketing to new movers?
Studies have found that new movers spend 8-10 times as much as non-movers on a plethora of household related products and services