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Targeting New Movers in 2024

Targeting New Movers in 2024

Customers are very loyal to the brands they choose and that relationship you built can be threatened when your customer moves. Knowing when your customers move is so important. If you are aware of a customer moving you can reach out to them and ensure the relationship is strong and that you won’t lose them. But, new movers also offer a great opportunity to obtain new customers who are moving either in your area or who need the products/services you offer. 

Now, knowing if you want to get new mover data for your customer acquisition or customer retention strategy is just the first step. You then need to know how and when to target new movers these new movers. And equally as important you need to know where to get this data from and ensure the data is up to date and high quality. 

Determining The Stage

To find what stage in the move new movers are in can be difficult. But not because finding someone selling a list is difficult, there is no shortage of lists for sale online. But, there is a shortage of high-quality trustworthy data sources. Because the journey of moving is ever-changing and the needs of new movers can evolve quickly it is important to ensure the data you get is up to date and regularly maintained. Nothing is worse than buying a list of new movers to find out it is out of date and no one on that list (or a very small percentage) is someone you are interested in. 

Targeting New Movers in 2024


A pre-mover is someone who has listed their house for sale and has begun the moving journey. The needs of those in the pre-mover stage are vastly different from someone who is a mover and has moved into their new house. Pre-movers are focused on preparing for the move, searching for a new home, looking at neighbourhoods, and then looking for new products and services for their new home after they have picked a new home. 


As mentioned above, a mover is what a pre-mover will turn into as they develop along their moving journey. These movers are now looking for products and services to aid them in creating their new homes. They are excited about their new home, they have an idea of what they want their home to look and feel like and are looking for ways to help them achieve this dream. 

Knowing When Moves Happen

There are many ways you can discover if someone is moving, lots of these methods take lots of leg work by you. Such as monitoring real estate listings, collaborating with local real estate agents, doing neighbourhood events and workshops to meet new people, and leveraging social media. These are all great ways to find out who is a new mover or who has moved into your neighbourhood. But, these also involve a lot of leg work and can take quite a bit of time. Not to mention you might get information too late or miss your window of opportunity.  

But, there is a way you can find a list of new movers easily and can be sure it is accurate. You can buy a new mover list from a company that specializes in this data. But, not all data is equal and there is no shortage of list sellers online. When shopping for list sellers be sure to ask how frequently the data is updated, how many data sources they have, and their coverage. This will help dictate who to buy from. The best list sellers will update their data daily and have dozens of data sources to ensure they have the most comprehensive coverage.

How To Approach New Movers

Now that you have your pre-mover data or mover data depending on which part of the journey you fit into best you’re probably wondering “How do I reach them?”. Well, one of the best methods is through direct mail. Many people think direct mail is dying, but in reality, it isn’t going anywhere, especially for this demographic. New movers frequently look through their mail to find new businesses near them, sales that could benefit their new move, and all of the mail from existing business relationships confirming the change of address. 

We can all agree that moving is not a cheap journey, especially if you are scaling up. With that in mind, if you are targeting new movers with high-ticket items it goes a long way to keep this in mind in your messaging and your offer. Now, you can keep in mind the area the new mover has moved into to give you a sense of income, age, family size, etc. However, these next-level insights would be given to you if you were to explore the route of buying data from a data company.

How To Approach New Movers

How Cleanlist Can Help

This is where Cleanlist can shed some light on who you are targeting and who you are most interested in. As Cleanlist is the largest supplier of consumer data in Canada and has a full coverage of Canada, Cleanlist can provide you with pre-mover data, mover data, demographics of the neighbourhood they are moving into, and more. This way you can be sure you are approaching the right people for your product and/or service and have the most up-to-date and accurate data. 

With the right tools, messaging, and copy you can have Cleanlist supercharge your marketing efforts and ensure that all the hard work you have done doesn’t go to waste. Regardless of how perfect your mailer is, it doesn’t mean much if you land in the wrong mailbox. Cleanlist can make sure you land in the correct mailbox every time.

Your organization, your data, and your needs are unique. To find out what’s possible Cleanlist offers a free assessment to qualified organizations.

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