Canada’s largest customer data company.

New Movers Offer a Goldmine of Opportunities for Consumer Product and Service Companies

Mover Data Factoid

Utilizing Cleanlist’s ResponseCanada™ Consumer Data & its New Mover Segment

October, 2023

The transient nature of our modern society means that people move homes frequently, for reasons varying from personal to professional. The influx of new movers presents an untapped wellspring of potential for businesses that provide consumer products and services. However, the challenge lies in identifying these individuals and reaching them in a manner that’s both timely and effective.

At Cleanlist, we recognize the magnitude of this opportunity and offer the ResponseCanada Consumer data. This powerful tool has a specialized segment dedicated to new movers, making it easier than ever to tap into this vibrant market. But why should businesses consider new movers as prime prospects, and how can they effectively reach out?

1. The Potential of New Movers

The first few months following a move are critical. New residents are in search of local businesses to meet their fresh set of needs. This includes everything from finding a new family physician to picking a new grocery store or gym. Their loyalties to previous service providers have been broken, and they are actively looking for new establishments to frequent. This phase of exploration is a fleeting window, and businesses that can act quickly stand to gain immensely.

2. The Advantages of Ongoing Supply

An important aspect to note is the cyclical nature of new movers. Every month, as some residents settle in, a fresh batch of individuals and families move into new homes. This means an ongoing supply of prospects. For businesses, this translates to consistent potential for growth, month after month.

3. Understanding the Mover Landscape in Numbers

A deep dive into the recent statistics provides a vivid picture of the new mover scenario in Canada. During the 12 months culminating in September 2023, Canada witnessed over 600,000 unique mover households. This movement isn’t consistent throughout the year; volumes peak during the sun-drenched summer months and dip to their lowest as the calendar flips to a new year. Cleanlist’s detailed mover data does not merely stop at these numbers. We provide a richer understanding of your target audience through additional attributes like home value, the nature of the dwelling, and the age of the home. These insights empower businesses to create tailored marketing approaches, enhancing their chances of resonating with these new residents.

4. The Efficacy of Personalized Direct Mail

Given the digital age, one might assume online advertising to be the most effective way to reach new movers. However, when it comes to the initial touchpoint, nothing beats the personal touch of a well-crafted, direct mail piece. This isn’t a call to revert to traditional methods completely, but a recognition of the impact of tangible, personalized communication.

Cleanlist’s ResponseCanada Consumer data aids in tailoring these direct mails to resonate with the specific needs and preferences of the new movers. A card welcoming them to the neighborhood paired with an exclusive offer can be an enticing invitation to learn more about your business.

5. Transitioning the Conversation Online

While the first touch through direct mail is crucial, the journey doesn’t end there. The real power lies in seamlessly moving this offline conversation to an online platform. Encourage new movers to sign up on your website. A compelling offer can act as the perfect nudge. Once online, they can explore your entire range of products and services, sign up for newsletters, or become part of a loyalty program. This multi-platform engagement strategy ensures that you’re not just a one-time visit but an integral part of their new life.

6. Prioritizing Privacy and Compliance

In today’s data-driven age, ensuring the protection of personal information is paramount. Cleanlist places immense value on upholding the privacy of all individuals listed within our data sets. We proudly attest that all data provided by Cleanlist is in strict adherence to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Furthermore, our data aligns seamlessly with the proposed Canadian federal legislation, bill C-27.

Opting for direct mail as the initial mode of outreach comes with an added advantage. Not only is it effective in creating a tangible touchpoint, but it also ensures compliance with Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). By choosing Cleanlist, businesses can remain confident in not only reaching their desired audience but also doing so in an ethical, legal, and respectful manner.

7. The Cleanlist Advantage

Using the ResponseCanada Consumer data, businesses can enjoy an updated and comprehensive list of new movers. This ensures you’re always reaching out to fresh prospects and not wasting resources on outdated information. Moreover, Cleanlist’s dedication to accuracy means that your direct mail efforts are more likely to find their intended recipients.

In Conclusion

The dynamic landscape of consumer behavior offers challenges and opportunities in equal measure. New movers represent a segment teeming with potential, waiting for businesses to recognize and engage them. With tools like Cleanlist’s ResponseCanada Consumer data, businesses are better equipped to make the most of this goldmine of opportunities.

Remember, every move marks the beginning of a new chapter in someone’s life. For businesses, it’s an opportunity to be part of that story. The question is, are you ready to seize it?

by Jeff Bisset, Cleanlist Founder

Cleanlist is Canada’s largest customer data company. We clean, enrich, and validate business and consumer data. We’re also experts in data-driven document composition and Canada’s largest data provider for digital and offline marketing. To learn more, visit us at

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